Welcome to the "HTML Link Toolkit" for hotComm, IM-Live, and ezPeer users.
This Toolkit will make it easier for you to:
- Place an IM-Live "Invitation-to-Chat" graphic (button) on your webpage with the correct HTML code.
- Create the correct HTML code needed for an e-mail signature file.
How does this "Invitation-to-Chat" link work?
You can offer an "Invitation-to-Chat" graphic on any website or as an e-mail signature.
This is a special way to let people know if you are currently using hotComm and if they should try and contact you.
But this is not just a static graphic link!
Because hotComm and IM-Live are real-time p2p technologies, they allow people to communicate with you "Live".
Although, while the link will appear on your site, or in an e-mail you sent, all the time,
you however will probably not be online 24/7. Because of this, we've developed a way to let people know your status automatically!
If your hotComm client is running, your customers and friends see an "Invitation" graphic such as the one to the right (you can choose your own later).

If your hotComm client is offline (for example, if your computer is turned off), your customers and friends will instead see a graphic such as the one to the right.
Coming soon- A Busy Signal! The option to show your status when your hotComm is running but you are not available.