Virtual Events

Event Info

Event Name: Wake Up Traders! ‘20% Losers’ Is Fantastic! You’ve Just Got to Learn How! (Event ID: 4TAZZX)
Event Host: Dr. Bill McDowell/BillsRoom LTR
Event Starts at: 16:30 (ET) on 07/11/2017
Event Duration: 60 minutes
Event Size: 900 people can be accommodated (55 have Registered)

Event Description:
You Must Learn to Take Responsibility for Avoiding Losers! - Aren't you ready to join a REAL trade room yet? Please see for full session details and/or send an email DRWMCD@GMAIL.COM to request your login details for Dr. Bills' Weekly Saturday Four Hour long Trading discussion held at Noon Eastern Time every week! We hope you can make the time to join us - see you at the webinar!