Virtual Events

Event Info

Event Name: Make Your 'Friendship' with Trend Trading WORK for YOU! (Event ID: E6Y5DW)
Event Host: Bill B./
Event Starts at: 16:30 (ET) on 04/10/2018
Event Duration: 60 minutes
Event Size: 900 people can be accommodated (65 have Registered)

Event Description:
We hope you can ALL attend live, but if you cannot, please send your Emails to: and request more information about their site and services. You may also register for and attend the three day free class and trading Open House Wednesday March 14th through Friday, March 16th by visiting: ADDITIONAL WEBINAR CONNECTION HELP FOLLOWS for WINDOW users, (MAC users, follow the links for the Java connection...OR email: and specify you have a MAC and would like the instructions to install our Windows client in the Wineskin wrapper/utility) * * *'Direct Connect' JOIN EVENT LINK * * * A) To test or setup the webinar-ware in advance, click/or copy/past this NEXT URL to your browser (NO need to uninstall first): (This will install a revision that works on ANY version of Windows) B) Once you have hotComm CL up & after 60 seconds the 'Please Wait as We Establish Connection to the 1stWorks Network' splash-screen has vanished, it should now say in the lower right hand corner of the application, 'hotComm CL Connected'). C) Once 'Connected', Copy/Paste or CNTRL+ Click THIS NEXT link to your web browser's URL Address bar: (NOTE: The room will NOT be open until 4PM Eastern Time, and you cannot connect UNTIL after that time) AGAIN, the 'Direct Connect' JOIN EVENT LINK IS: We'll look forward to seeing you ALL at the live session on Tuesday at 4:30PM Eastern Time!