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FAQ - Norton Firewalls

Document number: faqNIS-02
Copyright (c) 2001-2005 1stWorks Corporation. All rights reserved.

Norton Firewalls

Norton firewall products include Norton Internet Security (NIS) and Norton Personal Firewall (NPF). For information about Norton firewall products, see

Do I have a Norton Firewall product?

Look for a Norton firewall icon in the lower-right corner of your Windows taskbar. TO open it, right-click and select Norton Internet Security or Norton Personal Firewall. (Note: do not confuse it with Norton Anti-Virus.)

Norton Firewall or Internet Security icons
2004       2005 and 2006
NIS 2004       NIS 2005
Norton Anti-Virus icons
2004       2005
NAV 2004       NAV 2005

Will Norton NIS/NPF challenge hotComm?

Yes. When hotComm starts, your Norton Firewall product should challenge it. Tell Norton to Permit Always and to allow hotComm to make DNS requests. You should see the challenges again every time you update your hotComm software.

Note: Norton Anti-Virus Internet Worm Protection also may challenge hotComm, and you should select Permit Always. See Internet Worm Protection.

Norton Anti-Virus says hotComm might be a worm?

Norton Anti-Virus Internet Worm Protection sometimes incorrectly identifies hotComm as a worm. You see a challenge, and you should select Permit Always.

hotComm won't connect or "Attention! You should not see this notice" message

If hotComm stays Signed Out and/or the hotComm headset icon stays white or yellow and does not turn red-and-blue, you must configure Norton to allow hotComm to access the Internet.

  • Set the Personal Firewall Firewall Level to Medium. This allows outbound TCP connections, which is what hotComm needs for connecting to rooms.

  • In Manual Program Control, make sure the hotComm permission level is set to allow access. Or, delete the hotComm entries (in this case, the next time you start hotComm, Norton will challenge hotComm again.)

"Referer Error" message

If you are getting a Referer Error message, you must configure the Norton Web Content option to Permit "Information about the Visited Site" to be sent to the hotComm server your room is on. The Web Content option can be hard to find.

Before you begin:

Ask the room manager what relay server the room is on. Examples are: relay or relay4 or relay8 or tfnn or DLR1.


Norton Internet Security Uninstall Note

If you have previously installed Norton Internet Security or Norton Personal Firewall, your hotComm client may be unable to connect until you completely remove the remnants of the Norton software that are left behind by the Norton uninstall, even if you configure Kaspersky correctly. Symantec Corporation provides a Norton Removal Tool to remove remnants of prior installations. See the Norton Removal Tool article at the Symantec website.


Screenshots from different revisions

NIS/NPF 2005

NIS/NPF 2004

NIS/NPF 2003