hotComm User Guide
hotComm Logo User Guide
Document number: hc.70
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File Transfer Preferences

Preferences button To set preferences for file sharing, select Preferences (the Wrench button) from the File Sharing Toolbar. This opens File Transfer Preferences.

The File Transfer Preferences options are:

  • File Deletion

    Use this option to set the number of days you want files kept in the hotComm DOWNLOADS and UPLOADS folders. Enter zero (0) to keep files indefinately.

    Setting Description
    Keep files in DOWNLOADS folder for number Days Set the number of days that you want files to remain in your hotComm/DOWNLOADS folder. This is the default folder for files that you copy from others.

    Files and folders that you copy from others and place anywhere else on your computer are not affected by this setting. They will not be deleted. Only files copied to your DOWNLOADS folder are deleted.

    Keep files in UPLOADS folder for number Days Set the number of days that you want files to remain in your hotComm/UPLOADS folder. Files sent to you through hotWeb and hotCam are placed in this folder.

  • Notifications

    When you copy a file, or when someone copies a file from you, a File Transfer Notification window appears to show the status of the transfer.

    Setting Description
    View Notification Window To see a list of all incoming and outgoing transfers, click this button.
    Disable window popup To prevent the File Transfer Notification window from appearing, check this box.
    Append to USR/FILELOG.TXT on Exit The FILELOG.TXT file is a permanent log file, located in your hotComm/USR folder. To automatically save the contents of the Notification log to this file when you exit hotComm, check the Append to USR/FILELOG.TXT on Exit option. This lets you clear the Notification log as you wish, while keeping an on-going record of the contents.

  • Auto Update

    These settings apply to the Auto Update option that you can set for files and folders in My InBox.

    Option Description
    Update every number minutes Specify how often to check for updates. Enter the number of minutes. For example, to check hourly, enter 60; to check daily, enter 1440.

    To avoid auto updating, enter zero (0).

    Note: If you set Auto Update to 1 minute, the first copy of each file will take 2 minutes, but subsequent updates of that file can occur every minute.

    Ignore files with $ or ~ within filename or extension Check this box to avoid copying files that may be temporary or open. These files are often identified with certain characters in the filename or extension.

Click OK to save changes or CANCEL to close the window without saving.

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