User Guide
Document number: hc.70
© 2025 1stWorks Corporation. All rights reserved.
Raise Hand
If you want attention, use Raise Hand.
This posts the Raise Hand icon and plays the Raise Hand hotComm Windows Sound event.
There are several ways you can use Raise Hand:
- Raise Hand at the end of a public message
How to: Type a message and click the Raise Hand icon. The icon is in the lower right corner of your hotComm window. A Raise Hand icon appears in the transcript at the end of your message.
- Raise Hand privately
How to: Right-click the person's name in the Invited List and select Private Raise Hand. A Raise Hand icon appears as a Private Message.
- Raise Hand in a private message
How to: Right-click the person's name in the Invited List and select Private Raise Hand. Type a message and click the Raise Hand icon in the Private Message window. A Raise Hand icon appears at the end of the Private Message.
If you are not connected to a room or session, or are clicking the Raise Hand icon in the main hotComm window without having typed a message, clicking Raise Hand takes you here, to this page in the online User Guide.
Raise Hand sound
To change or disable the Raise Hand sound:
- Open your Windows Start menu.
- Select Control Panel.
- Select Sounds and Audio Devices (this may be called Sounds and MultiMedia).
- Select the Sounds tab.
- Look in Program Events for hotComm.
- Highlight Raise Hand.
- To disable it, select None in the Sounds drop-down list. To change it, select a different sound from the Sounds drop-down list, or click Browse to find a different sound.
- Click OK.
Event Help
~ Tips & Solutions ~
Document number: faqW-01
Copyright (c) 2013 1stWorks Corporation. All rights reserved.
NOTE that this is comprehensive and mostly applies to hotComm CL and the Java Client. hotComm Lite is very similar to hotComm CL in features but perhaps not all the same buttons and menus, and hotComm STD or higher requires special guide information for hotComm STD or Presenter Pro.
The hotComm client uses proprietary technology for presenting real-time graphics and Voice-over-IP audio. For ultimate performance, you will need a current computer with ample resources along with a reliable and robust Internet connection. We recommend you test your computer and internet connection ahead of the event. Our test room is open 24/7 and available from this link: AUDIO TEST-ROOM
TIP: Click & Hold CNTRL + "F" and Type in the field, a word like "audio", "java", "screen" or "charts" to find your topic.
- Windows Users: You can download & install FREE hotComm CL **HERE** Note: Some rooms require a subscription based hotComm client. If you're unsure which hotComm your host requires, please contact the event organizer. Online Trader Central events DO accept the free hotComm CL client.
- If you're on a MAC OS (or cannot install software), MOST presentations allow for you to enter the event using the Java Client, please look for the event’s alternate Java link. **NOTE** If you see the "java not allowed in this room" message, please immediately contact hotComm Support for other solutions in joining the webinar you're registered for. It is every hosts' right to refuse the Java connections to their room without notice. Please call hotCommm SUPPORT directly at: +1-508-425-6613
- GENERAL AUDIO & VISUAL HELP: If you lose audio or the pop-up window with the Charts or Power Point during a session, disconnect and reconnect to the presentation. Most problems are due to an incomplete or loss of connection. Typically, just reconnecting to the presentation will resolve your issue(s).
- RESIZING the hotCAM: For the charts/slides you can use the resize features in top left corner of the hotCam window, the default is 1X, click the down arrow to select a different size (try ¾ to start).
- REFRESHING hotCAM/SCREEN TIPS: Top left corner of the hotCamwindow, click (once) only on the 6th icon over to refresh the image (give it time to refresh), if the image does not refresh, please log out and log back in to the event session.
If image is still not refreshing, please try closing other applications or VoIP or email programs (i.e. Skype, AIM, MS Outlook) that you have running, to dedicate more system resources to the session.
hotCam(i.e. The charts/PPT Presentation) window *not* showing?
Look in Windows toolbar for a hotCam window icon, left click on it to restore. Note: if you still do not see the hotCam window icon with the visuals, and also if you are using multiple monitors/screens & the image is off on another screen, look for your running tasks to the left of your computer clock.
Find the hotComm CL red/blue headset icon, right mouse click it & select "Cascade Windows on Primary" to bring all open hotComm windows to your main monitor screen. One of these will be the charts. Please note: if you’ve inadvertently closed out of the hotCam window entirely, you’ll need to relog into the session again to regain the data stream.
To resize the hotCam window:
To resize vertically - Go to the top of the window. When you get to the top, your cursor should change to arrows pointing opposite vertically. Click on the top of the window. Hold and drag the window down. Drag in the opposite direction if you want to make the window bigger again. You can use this same technique to resize the window horizontally or diagonally.
Maximize the window - To put your window back in Maximize mode, move your mouse to the right top of the window. You will see the three buttons: Minimize, Restore Down/Maximize, and Close. Click on the Restore Down/Maximize button. Your window should cover the whole screen again.
- Audio Volume Adjustment: For volume adjustments, you can control the volume with your Windows master volume control. You can also *Right*mouse click the hotComm Mic icon (far left icon in the middle toolbar above where you type). This opens up the VoiP window.. Right column "Playback" which is what you hear. There is a volume slider you can raise or lower the sound, after you adjust the slider, click Apply, Click Ok.
- VOIP Settings Device: **If you have no audio at all**
First check that you do not have the audio muted - Check the bottom line (left corner) of your hotComm window and make sure it says "Audio on" and not "Mute all". If it DOES say "Mute-All", Click the message until it says "Audio on".
Second check - bring up your "Windows Volume Control" and make sure the audio is not muted (with Vista or Windows7) check that the hotComm CL Application is not muted; in the taskbar, left of your computer clock, click on the Volume icon, then click on the Mixer icon and check that hotComm CL is not "Muted" there.
Third check - see that you have the right device selected. The far left icon, in the middle menu bar above the text chat window, (next to the musical note/ear), is your microphone & audio playback icon, right mouse this icon, select the playback device for *your* system, on the right column side which is audio playback (i.e. What You Hear), look for the device - It may say, "System Default" now. Use the black drop-down arrow to pick your speakers, or your headset. Next hit Apply, then Ok, (this closes the VoIP settings box & sets them).
After making these changes, you MAY need to close hotComm, wait 30 seconds and then restart and join the event.
Note: Please make sure that if you are using speakers or a head set that they are Plugged in (if using PC speakers, check that they are turned up, and if a headset, check any dials are turned up and not muted).
- System Resources - Audio & Slides: If you continue to have difficulty with the audio or slides, please try closing other applications you don't need to dedicate as many system resources as possible for the event.
- Connection Reminders & Tips: Once you’re joined to the event room, close out of the internet browser Window (Tab) that has the big CONNECT button. Some users have internet browsers which will refresh continuously and will try to reconnect you to a room that you’re already joined. If problems persist, and a restart of your computer to refresh your connection doesn’t help, please reboot your modem/router.
To reboot/recycle your internet connection: Power down your computer, then unplug your modem/router from AC Power for about four minutes (no blinking lights). Plug it back into power, and when all your lights are blinking normally again, bring back up your system (PC). This will recycle your internet connection, and improve the TCP/IP connection needed to maintain a connection. It is also just general good practice to do this from time to time for all your internet fed applications.
- DIRECT CONNECTIONS: If you know the room "Target Site" and room password, you can log-out and back-In with the hotComm CL Green Person Icon.
1. Click the Green Person button (located above the area where you type a message to the room)
2. Next Click the Down arrow, to view the drop-down list, select with left click on: RelayServer:RoomName (if you see it listed there, if it is not listed, you need to erase what's there and type it - the : symbol separates the server from the room name without any spaces.
3. Type the password for room in the "Optional Room Password" field
4. Click the Connect button to rejoin the event.
- JAVA Users - Pop Up Blockers & System Resources: If you are having problems with the visuals or audio, please make sure pop-up blockers are disabled. If difficulty continues, you may not have enough system resources dedicated for the event, you should close as many non-critical applications that you can & then rejoin the event.
- TEST Your Java Plugin:
Here, at Oracle's site you can test your existing potential to run the hotComm Super Java client successfully. Also, if you're experiencing problems getting the second pop-up window that prompts for your room Nickname/Screen-name, use the below link to install the most updated JAVA plug-in.
- JAVA Users on a Windows PC: If you are not on a MAC, please download the Free CL product at: www.hotComm.com/downloadcl.asp & rejoin with the same steps.
- JAVA Users on a MAC:
If you are using BOOTCAMP or PARALLELS (with a Windows operating system) you can install the free hotComm CL software to attend the event via Internet Explorer browser on Windows.
If you are using the Java Client with Safari, please see the below helpful tips (there may be some variables depending on your MAC OS i.e. Lion):
Start Safari, under Safari check that you have unchecked "block pop-up windows". Next under Safari, choose Preferences, select Security Tab, make sure there is a check to Enable Java (also check for enable plug ins and enable java script)and UN-CHECK Block Pop-up Windows.
Note if you are still having difficulty to getting the java client to load, you may not have Java enabled with you MAC, please see the below steps:
To enable the java with your MAC, go to the dock area, click on Applications folder, choose Utilities folder, select Java Preferences, under the General Tab, put a check where it says "enable applet plug-in and web start applications".
More Assistance, or Connection HELP Required? To contact hotComm Support Technical Reps (USA Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday, 9:00AM - 5:30PM EDT)
TELEPHONE: +1-508-425-6613
EMAIL: Support@hotComm.com
Or visit us on the web for live help, at: www.hotComm.com/support.asp