hotComm User Guide
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Document number: hc.70
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Room Passwords

Changing Passwords with hotComm CL

hotComm CL Moderators can change room passwords.

If you are using hotComm CL:

  1. Log into the room with the Moderator (Mpwd) password.

  2. Right-click any empty space on the middle toolbar, and select Room Passwords.

  3. In the Room roomname... dialog, type in the passwords you want (User, Presenter, Moderator) and click the Set Room's Passwords button.

  4. Wait for the server acknowledgement message and click Done.

Changing Passwords with hotComm Standard/Pro

You can change room passwords with Standard/Pro if the room is built on your hotComm registration or if you are a Listed Moderator and your Operations Mode is Panel User and you log into the room in Session 1 as a Panelist with the room's Mpwd (CL Moderator) password.

To set your Operations Mode to "Panel User", click Options, then Mode/Identity, check Panel User and click OK. Then re-start hotComm. (Note that you can only open Options from Session 1 (S1).)

To change the passwords:

  1. In Session 1 (S1), left-click the relay in the User list, right-click the roomname and select Join as Panelist. (If you don't see a User List, click View, then check User List.) *

  2. Type in your room's Mpwd (CL Moderator) password and click Join. *

  3. Click Options, then Mode/Identity, and make sure the Set My Room's Password button is black, not gray.

  4. Type in the passwords you want -- Rpwd (for User/room), Ppwd (for CL Presenters), and Mpwd (for CL Moderators) -- and click the Set My Room's Passwords button.

  5. Wait for the Server Acknowledgement message and then click OK.

* Note: if the room is built on your hotComm registration, skip steps 1 and 2 and log in as usual, using any of the room's passwords. Then click Options, Mode/Identity, type in the passwords you want and click Set My Room's Password. Wait for the server acknowledgement and click OK.

If the Set My Room's Password button is gray, not black, the server does not recognize you as a moderator authorized to change passwords. Please log out of the room and try again, or restart your computer and try again.

Existing or non-existing passwords

If the existing password is a series of dots or stars, that means there is an exiting password. If you do not want to change the password, leave it alone. Note that the number of dots may be different than the number of characters in the password.

if the password field is blank, there is no password.

About the Passwords

Each room has three passwords. The rules for the password are different for hotComm CL, hotComm Lite and hotComm Standard/Pro products.

  • In hotComm CL, the password controls what privileges you have. If you log in with the User (Rpwd) password, you are a user. If you log in with the Presenter (Ppwd) password, you are a presenter. If you log in with the Moderator (Mpwd) password, you are a moderator.

  • In hotComm Lite, the password does not control privileges. You are always a user, regardless of what password you use.

  • In hotComm Standard/Pro, the passwords do not control privileges unless you are a Listed Moderator (see Changing Passwords, above).

  • If two or three of the passwords are the same, then only the lowest authority is used. For example, if Rpwd (user/room) is the same as the Mpwd (moderator), then no one can join with hotComm CL as a moderator, and Listed Moderators with Standard/Pro will not be able to change passwords.

Note: hotComm Standard/Pro moderators who can change passwords can also manage the moderator list, adding and deleting other moderators.

Updated: November 1, 2010

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