hotComm User Guide
hotComm Logo User Guide
Document number: hc.70
© 2025 1stWorks Corporation. All rights reserved.

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For New Room Owners

If you are the room license holder (aka room owner, meaning the room is built on your registration email address), you can change passwords and add moderators for the room if you are using hotComm Standard/Pro and you are logged into your room as a Panelist.

Starting hotComm Standard/Pro and setting yourself up as a Panelist

When you start hotComm Standard/Pro, you should get an empty window that says S1 Panel [User: your-nickname] . Wait until the message on the bottom line changes from "Signed Out" to "Online-Direct" or "Online-Proxied". If it changes to "Online-Tunnelled" please let us know immediately.

Then, wait until the icons next to the relays in the User List change to green. If they don't all change in a reasonable amount of time, click File, then Resynch/Relog. If they still don't change in 20 seconds, close hotComm, wait 20 seconds and try again.

(Note: always wait 20 seconds after you close hotComm before you try starting it again. That gives important DLLs a chance to close correctly.)


Please check that you are set up correctly as a Panel User.

  1. Click Options, then Mode/Identity.
  2. Check "Panel User"
  3. Under Panel user, put the name you want to be in the room, and also your roomname
  4. Optionally, enter your room password
  5. Click OK
  6. Close hotComm, wait 20 seconds, and restart it.

To check this:

Click Options, then Mode/identity again. There should be 3 buttons in the middle that are dark now, including "Set My Room's Password", "Reset Server Blocklist" and "Manage Moderator List". If they are grayed out, please restart your computer once and try again. If they remain grayed out, contact us.

Logging into your room as a Panelist

There are several ways to connect to your room as a Panel User:

  • Right-click the relay and select "Join My Room as Panelist".
  • Left-click the relay, right-click your roomname and select "Join room as Panelist"

Please note that for a Panel User, hotComm tries to use the room password you put in Options, Mode/Identity -- so if your room password is there, you won't be prompted for it. If it is missing or wrong, hotComm tries to use the last password you stored for that relay (and this can be confusing) so again you may not be prompted. It takes some time to get used to switching between rooms if you are a Panel User for one.

Panel User is just like moderator except you have the ability to change your room's passwords and add other Standard/Pro users as moderators to your room, and a few other things.

Changing Passwords

There are three passwords you can set: the room password, the CL presenter password, and the CL moderator password. All hotComm Standard/Pro and hotComm Lite users use only the room password; the features and permissions are not controlled by password. With hotComm CL, features and permissions are controlled by passwords -- users log in with the room password, CL Presenters and CL moderators have different passwords.

To set the passwords:

  1. Log into your room as a Panelist.
  2. Click Option, then Mode/Identity
  3. Change these values:
    Where What to change
    Under Panel User: Rpwd = room password
    Under CL Passwords: Ppwd = CL presenter password
    Mpwd = CL moderator password
  4. Click "Set My Room's Password" and wait for the password changed message from the server.

Note: If you are changing passwords, do not leave any of those passwords blank unless you intend to make them blank. Blank for the room password means that no password is required for Std/Pro and Lite, and any password will work for hotComm CL. Blank for the CL Presenter or CL Moderator password mean that people can't connect in that role.

To add listed moderators

You can name other hotComm Standard/Pro users as moderators in your room. These people set themselves up as Normal Users (our default) and log in as Users, but appear with the blue headset and have moderator priviledges. Note that they cannot change passwords or add other moderators.

To add a listed moderator:

  1. Log into your room as a Panelist.
  2. Click Option, then Mode/Identity
  3. Click "Manage Moderator List". This opens up the Manage Moderator window.
  4. Click "Add".
  5. Type in the email address of the person's hotComm registration and click Add Moderator.
  6. Click Update

Documentation on moderator's features is available in our User Guide (go to, then Support, then the User Guide link is on the left).

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