hotComm User Guide
Document number: hcG
© 2025 1stWorks Corporation. All rights reserved.
Record and Playback - WMV Quick Guide
Setup & Test
General Good Advice:
Close as many programs as possible in order to free up computer resources. Recording and playback take significant resources no matter what product or method you use. For example, turn off email, messenger programs, computer phones and other applications.
Setup & Test
WMV recording requires:
- Microsoft Windows Media Encoder 9.0. You can install this through hotComm, or from our website. See Setup & Test.
- Audio devices (ie sound card and drivers) that meet the Windows Media Encoder 9.0 requirements. In general, your sound system must include a Stereo Mix, Wave Mix or equivalent capability. These devices must be selected as your Windows default audio devices. Note: some computers and audio devices are shipped without the required mixing capability in order to prevent illegal duplication of movies and other media.
- A hotComm Standard/Pro license or the Plus option for hotComm Lite or hotComm CL or that you are recording in our Audio Test Room. (The Plus option is an extra-cost, one-time add-on feature set that includes WMV recording. Note that we encourage you to try WMV recording in our Audio Test room before you buy the Plus option.)
Note: You can playback the recording in any version of Windows Media Player 9 or higher, or in other compatible players.
Setup & Test
Set up:
- Install Windows Media Encoder 9.0:
Close all other programs, and then download and install the the Microsoft Windows Media Encoder 9.0. Click here: http://www.hotcomm.com/ftppub/WMEncoder.exe
- Install Encoder 9.0 HotFix (Vista and Windows 7)
If you are using Vista or Windows 7, please also download and install the KB929182 HotFix for Windows Media Encoder 9.0.
To download the installer (WindowsMedia9-KB929182-INTL.exe), click here: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929182. Save the installation file (don't run or open it) to your computer. To run the HotFix, right-click the installation file and select Run As Administrator.
- Check Audio devices
Open Windows Control Panel, and make sure that the correct audio devices are enabled, and are selected as the default recording and playback devices. The correct devices are the ones that meet the Windows Media Encoder 9.0 requirements, i.e, that have a "stereo mix", "wave mix", or equivalent capability.
If you are not sure about your devices, start hotComm, click Help, and then Ask Support a Question. Send the form in to us with a note saying you want to know about WMV recording. The form sends us information about your sound system and we can tell you if your audio drivers meet the requirement. Also see Troubleshooting Recording for more specific information.
Of course, some people just continue on to the next step and only worry about the audio devices if the recording isn't successful.
- Select WMV and Test Audio
Start hotComm and join the Audio Test Room.
To do this with hotComm Standard/Pro: in the User List, click the green icon in front of Relay. Then in the drop-down list of rooms, click Test. (If you don't see a User List, click View, then check User List.)
To do this with hotComm Lite or hotComm CL: click the Green Person button, which opens the "Connect to Target Site" pop-up. In the Target Site List, select Relay:Test, type in the password (123) and click Connect.
When you are in the Audio Test room, make sure that you see a chat window and a small separate window with a moving digital clock, and that you hear a non-stop recording.
- Click Session, then Session Recording Setup.
- Check WMV Recording and check Full Screen (you can change this later).
- In hotComm Lite or hotComm CL, un-check Record Audio Only.
- Make sure that the progress bar under Volume shows green, yellow and/or red colors.
- Click Ok.
What if I don't hear the audio in the room?
In this case, contact hotComm Support,and we will re-start the non-stop recording.
What if I don't see colors in the progress bar?
In this case, click OK to close the Session Recording Setup window, and click Help, then Ask Support a Question. In the message area, say that you are testing audio for WMV recording and you don't see colors in the progress bar. Include your phone number. The "ASAQ" report sends us information about your computer system that should help us determine what the problem is.
- Make a sample recording
- Position the hotComm chat window and the digital clock window on your primary monitor. (WMV recording records your primary monitor only.)
- Left-click the R-in-a-circle button to start the recording. While recording is in progress, the background of the button turns blue.
- Record for 30-60 seconds, then left-click the R-in-a-circle button again to stop the recording.
Then, exit hotComm.
- Play it back
- Open your hotComm Transcripts folder. To do this, right-click the hotComm Transcripts folder on your desktop and select Open. (Or, click Windows Start, then All Programs, then 1stWorks Corporation, then hotComm, then View Transcripts.)
- Find the recording file you just made. The WMV recordings may be listed as "Windows Media Audio/Video File". The recording file name includes the date, a "t" number and the roomname.
- Double-click the recording to start playing it with your default media player. Or, right-click on the recording, select Open with ... and select the media player of your choice. The recording should start to playback in your media player. You should get audio and visuals.
What if I don't get audio?
Please see Troubleshooting Recording for more information.
What if I don't get visuals?
Please make sure that the content you are recording is on your primary monitor. WMV recording only captures the primary monitor.
- Plus option for hotComm Lite or hotComm CL
If you are using hotComm Lite or hotComm CL and your test recording is successful, you will need the Plus feature set in order to record in rooms. Plus is a one-time purchase that gives you extra features forever, for one email-address. You can purchase at http://hotcomm.com/order.asp.
If you are using hotComm Standard/Pro, WMV recording is included in your license fee, along with recording in hotComm native format (HCR).
Error Messages you might get:
Windows Media Encoder 9 Update Notice - if you are using Vista or Windows 7, this is prompting you to install the HotFix. Please do so as directed. Note: you may get this message repeatedly. If you have installed the HotFix successfully already, click Cancel.
WM Encoder cannot record audio -- this message means that your computer does not have audio drivers that meet the Windows Media Encoder requirements. See Troubleshooting Recording.
Setup & Test
Recording WMV
To make the recording:
- Start hotComm and join the room you want to record. (We recommend that you close all other rooms.)
- Make sure that the charts are up and visible on your primary monitor. WMV records visuals on the primary monitor only.
- Make sure that you can hear audio if there is supposed to be audio.
In that hotComm room, select Session, then Session Recording Setup. That opens the Session Recording Setup window. (Note: or, you can right-click the R-in-a-circle button.)
Note: If you see the Get Encoder button, that means you have not installed Windows Media Encoder 9.0. You can start the installation by clicking that button, or install directly from our website. See Setup.
In the Session Recording Setup window:
- In hotComm Lite or hotComm CL, un-check Record Audio Only.
- Check WMV.
- Visuals - If you want the visual to include your entire primary monitor, check Full Screen.
Or, if you want the visual to include only the charts/graphics, un-check that box.
- Frame rate - Although you can change the frame rate (fps or frames per second), we recommend you keep the default setting of 1.0 frames per second.
- Volume - If necessary, adjust the volume for the incoming audio. Remember that the Media Encoder has its own sound software, so the volume it "hears" may be different than what you hear through hotComm audio in the live room. We recommend you keep the default setting unless you find the recording volume is too loud or soft.
Note: if you hear audio in the live room, make sure that the Volume progress bar shows red, yellow and green colors.
- Timed recording - If you want the recording to start and stop at specific times, check Enable Timed Recording, and set the Start Time and End Time for the times you want.
Both times must be in the same calendar day. For example, you can start a recording at 6:00AM and end at 9:00AM, but you cannot start a recording at 11PM and stop it at 3AM.
The times are according to your computer time.
Note: some people find that if they want to record at the same time on more than one day, they need to open the Session Recording Setup and click OK every day. For more info on Timed Recording, see Timed Recording and Login
Click OK to close the Session Recording Setup window.
Left-click the R-in-a-circle icon to start the recording, and wait several seconds. While recording is in progress, the background of the icon turns blue.
Note: if you see an A-in-a-circle icon, that means you are set for audio-only recording. Check your setup again.
Note: with timed recording, recording starts automatically within several seconds of the specified start time.
To stop the recording, left-click the R-in-a-circle icon, and wait several seconds. When the recording is stopped, the area around the R-in-a-circle icon is no longer blue.
R-in-a-circle buttons
Not actively recording |
Recording in progress |
Timed Recording Set, but not recording yet |
Setup & Test
Playback an WMV recording
The steps below show several ways to find and play back the WMV recording.
- Open the hotComm Transcripts folder. To do this:
- Right-click the hotComm Transcripts folder on your desktop and select Open.
- Or, click Windows Start, then All Programs, then 1stWorks Corporation, then hotComm, then View Transcripts.
- Or, in hotComm Standard/Pro, click Session, then Session Recording Setup, then Maintain Library.
- Or, in hotComm Lite or hotComm CL, click Session, then WMV Playback.
- Find the recording file. The WMV recordings may be listed as "Windows Media Audio/Video File". The recording file name includes the date, a "t" number and the roomname.
- Double-click the recording to start playing it with your default media player. Or, right-click on the recording, select Open with ... and select the media player of your choice.
It should start to playback in your media player. You should get audio and visuals.
What if I don't get audio?
Please see Troubleshooting Recording for more information.
What if I don't get visuals?
Please make sure that the content you are recording is on your primary monitor. WMV recording only captures the primary monitor.
For more information about the recording files, see Recording Files.
Setup & Test
Frequently Asked Questions (WMV)
I have hotComm Standard/Pro. Can I record one room and watch another? Can I record two rooms at once?
* If you choose "Full Screen", the visuals include whatever is displayed on your primary monitor. The audio includes whatever your computer hears. However, remember that because only one room at a time gets audio, either your live room or your recording will have audio at any given time, but not both. Remember that you can choose which room has audio, or you can let hotCom seek hotComm between the rooms.
I like to have charts on one monitor and the hotComm chat room on the other. Will both be included in the recording?
* No. WMV visuals only include what is visible on your primary monitor.
Does it record minimized charts?
* No. WMV visuals only include what is visible on your primary monitor.
The chart is too big to fit on one monitor. What do I do?
* You can change the size of the hotCam window where the chart is displayed. One option is to use the drop-down menu to select a smaller size than 1X. Also see the User Guide topic hotCam Window Controls.
Can the room moderators block recording?
* Yes.
Where are the recording files?
* In your hotComm Transcripts folder, which you can open in several ways. See ... Playback.
I need to go to work before the room opens, what do I do?
* See .... Timed Recording and Login
Can I playback a WMV recording offline, such as on an airplane?
* Yes. It plays back through Windows Media Player and does not need to be online.
Can I send a recording to someone else, or post it online?
* Yes. That said, as with any recording, size is an issue. Essentially, you're sending a movie. See ... Recording Files
Something isn't working right ...
* See Troubleshooting Recording.
Updated: 1/19/2011