Security is a vital and integral component of hotComm, from user access to content transmission to record keeping.
For optimum user access and maximum multimedia support, it may be helpful to open specific ports in the firewall to maximize flexibility and performance. These ports are not, however, open to the world at large and to every hacker in particular. These ports are monitored by hotComm to ensure that any request to the port is from an authenticated hotComm user, confirmed by a required digital signature. Further, the particular message reception technique employed by hotComm, which uses overlapped I/O, removes the risk of hacker induced "buffer overflow" and subsequent unauthorized access. In the event you need to run hotComm in an entirely unprotected location, such as from a hotel room while traveling, hotComm includes a simple firewall, hotWall, which automatically blocks the principal remote access ports as part of its own processing. hotComm is safe and your system is protected, there is substantially more risk in operating your browser.
Message content in transmission, whether it is chat, voice or video, even file transfer, is encrypted with hotComm's proprietary streaming cipher. The host of any session sets the random key code, which changes in every individual session. All content in. that session is transmitted in encrypted form and is reconstructed at each receiving user's computer. Optionally, particular users may add an extra encryption key code, known only to them and passed outside any recorded session, which will be automatically applied in any session where all participants have the private key. This "most secure" status is displayed in the message transcript panel and the system will automatically revert to standard security if any "non private key" enabled user joins any session.
One aspect of a freely accessible network is the potential for unauthorized online distribution or transfer of confidential material, which is simply the same issue as the physical one of important documents being smuggled out of a corporate facility. In parallel to the Security staff and Access control procedures which are typically deployed to manage this physical risk, hotComm includes an automatic session transcript capture and transfer feature which can be configured to record as much or as little detail about user connections and content transfers as required. The captured transcripts at the user level can be automatically uploaded to a central system for analysis or archiving as required by corporate policy. In many applications, particularly those which are customer focused, the captured transcripts are a valuable resource for corporate wisdom. The transcripts can be analyzed through a variety of knowledge tools to shape standard responses to common situations, to prompt product or documentation revision or simply to add more FAQ responses on a Web site for more user self help.
For corporations who are absolutely unwilling to have these three ports open at all, there is the hotComm Proxy Server. Click here for more information.