Interactive Web Conferencing and Desktop Collaboration
Deliver cost-effective and easy-to-use Conferencing with hotComm.
The 1stWorks Peer Network architecture leverages the innate power and scalability
of the Internet to deliver multimedia presentations and interactive web conferences
anywhere, with anyone, from any Internet-connected PC. Both presenters and attendees
benefit from hotComm's highly interactive group presentation and collaboration features.
Secure and reliable messaging, voice over IP, and full motion video are included
in hotComm - use its integrated multi-media capabilities to deliver your next important
presentation. With just a few clicks you and your audience are connected via a secure,
fast, reliable, private network. No need to use a costly outside conferencing service
or dial phone numbers. With hotComm you get On-Demand voice and video conferencing,
right from your desktop.
For larger audiences or when superior performance is a must, conduct your virtual
meetings using our Content Relay Manager. Content Relay is an unattended content
forwarding solution designed to support hundreds or thousands of simultaneous hotComm
sessions. Any standard PC/NT/XP server platform equipped with a high bandwidth Internet
channel acts as your virtual meeting room. Host the Content Relay server at either
your facility or at a service provider location. Individual presenters connect from
their hotComm desktops over a DSL or Cable connection and use the Content Relay
Manager to multicast the conference. Attendees connect to Content Relay from their
browsers or with one of the hotComm clients. No other software or hardware products
are needed.
For truly scalable and inexpensive content distribution 1stWorks offers TreeCast
Moderator, an innovative approach to using the untapped bandwidth available to most
Internet connected PC's. TreeCast Moderator dynamically creates a hierarchical routing
based on the connection history and available bandwidth of each PC in the audience.
Those PC's capable of acting as "repeaters" automatically contribute unused outbound
bandwidth to push content to the downstream clients.
Security and access rights are rigorously enforced - only recognized hotComm users
are included in this dynamic routing algorithm, so the opportunity for "free riders"
is eliminated. Unauthorized file sharing is eliminated; downloads of confidential
information are tightly controlled. Both Content Relay Manager and TreeCast Moderator
are available with an on-line secure credit card processing feature to facilitate
“Pay Per View” applications.
Management presentations, financial analysts, product engineers, marketing professionals,
and organizational leaders can all benefit for this unique and innovative Web Conferencing
and Collaboration solution.
For an in-depth demonstration and explanation of how hotComm solutions can help
your company succeed in a virtual world, please register for an upcoming seminar
listed on our Solutions page.